Bobby Flay Mojitos

Today is Celebrity Cook-Along Day hosted by Lynn at Happier Than A Pig In Mud.  The featured chef this month is Bobby Flay.  Lynn had posted a wonderful rib eye with a chipotle honey glaze....that was what I had my mind set to make.  I still will make it but it will have to be a future post.

Since the mint has been wonderful this year, I have been "playing" with mojito recipes!  We tried out Bobby's recipe this week.  It was pretty good but a thought that a hint more lime and sugar would be nice.  Below is the recipe with the increases that I made.


Serves 4

4 tsp superfine sugar or simple syrup (I used 1 1/2 Tablespoon of simple syrup per glass.)
8 sprigs fresh mint
1 lime, quartered (I added/squeezed another lime quarter to top it off.)
1 cup light rum
1 liter club soda

Combine 1 tsp sugar and 2 mint sprigs in each of 4 tall (highball) glasses.  Using the back of a spoon, mash the mint leaves into the sugar.  Squeeze 1 lime quarter into each glass, then pour in 1/4 cup rum.  Add ice cubes and top off with club soda.  Serve immediately.


The drinks were refreshing and I would make them again....
probably to go with the rib eye which is next on my list!

I am also participating in Foodie Friday hosted by Michael at Designs by Gollum.


  1. I have been working at my desk all day...that mojito looks mighty refreshing!!!

  2. Hey Kate, I've always wanted to try a mojito!
    I'm playing along with Happier a Pig in Mud and I have a cookbook giveaway.
    I'm visiting from Foodie Friday.
    Hope you can visit LazyonLoblolly.

  3. I just tried my first mojito about a year and a half ago. I don't know what took me so long, they're one of my favourite mixed drinks now. Definitely nice and refreshing for these hot summer days.

  4. love the green of all the mint and the lime....Everything is better with a little lime...

    Hugs to ya

  5. Hmmmmnnnn...I think this is really great.I would love to enjoy your Mojitos..haven't tasted one yet...looks adorable and refreshing!

  6. Nice shot. Bev's a big fan of mojitos.

  7. It has been so steamy lately it reminds me of Cuba and mojitos!

  8. looks really refreshing :)

  9. Darn...I wish I would have picked that recipe to make! I have mint taking over a corner of the house!!!! I'm going to have to start pulling it out & when I do, THIS will be on the menu for sure.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely photos & the recipe.

  10. Mojitos are a great use for happy mint plants! Your drink looks very refreshing Kate! Thanks so much for playing along:@)

  11. There isn't a drink more suited to summer than a mojito. My mint is thriving too so I have plenty on hand for a lovely cocktail. Beautiful photos, Kate.

  12. What a pretty drink you made. Sounds delicious...I generally like anything with rum.
    xo bj

  13. That mojito looks so darn good. It may have to be this Friday afternoon's drink. I have made them before. I used mango flavored rum and they were delicious.

  14. So refreshing on a hot summer evening.

    I'm hosting an ice cream social this weekend. I hope to see you there.

    Have a great weekend! CHEERS! La

  15. Really beautiful - it sounds delicious - infact I could do with one now!

  16. Great looking mojito! Very refreshing and cool. I'd love one!

  17. We love mojitos, they're a perfect summer drink.

  18. Haven't tried too many mojitos, more of a G&T girl myself, but this recipe sounds and looks amazing so will try it soon.
    It would probably go really well with Bobby F's chicken paillard.
    Chin chin!
    Maggie @ Normandy Life


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