Halloween Greetings

For the last two weeks I have been on an incredible trip cruising down the Rhine River.  I will have some fun posts about a little of everything coming up. 

While I was gone, I was happy to be able to schedule some posts for you.  I wasn't, however, able to visit all of your blogs to see what exciting recipes you have created and are sharing.  Sometimes one must/is forced to take a break!  I have so many of you to visit once I recover from jet lag!

Since Halloween is around the corner, and I haven't made anything new and exciting, I thought I would revisit some recipes from last year. 

I was motivated by a recipe that was shared by Queen Bee when I made this one.  Witch's Wands were a hit last year and I have just enough time to make them again.  I am thinking I should hurry and recover from jet lag so that I can have a mini Halloween get together!

I must have had a lot of time last year because somehow, I even tried to make pumpkin cookies.  These were definitely Great Pumpkin Cookies! (Great in the sense that they flattened and spread into large cookies!)  I used the Libby Pumpkin Cookie recipe.

My daughter decided to make Creepy Deviled Eyeballs for a Halloween get together.  They were a hit and even though they were green, they really did taste great! 

Cheesecake Pops have become a favorite at our house.  We had made some for Father's Day and some for our Fourth of July celebration.  So naturally, we had to try them out for Halloween. 

They are great for any special occasion!

I hope you have some time to make some exciting dishes for Halloween.  A friend of mine just won first place for his Edible Scary Halloween Creation!  Not sure I could eat it...but it is scary...gross mostly!  I am curious how it tasted...not curious enough to actually taste it, though.

I forgot that since this is a flashback, I can participate in Flashback Fridays with Suzy at Kitchen Bouquet!


  1. It sounds like you had a great trip, Kate. I hope you get over your jet lag quickly. I would love to try one of your cheesecake pops!

  2. Happy Halloween! Hope you have lots of fun on your trip. Cruising down River Rhine, cool! All the Halloween goodies looks really great. Your friend certainly is very artistic, I don't think that I will try it too, urgh! Meaning that, he did get the message across, he's very good!

  3. LOL, that hand is disarming! I made the pops too!
    Love those eyeballs and cookies.
    Glad you had a good trip!

  4. Sounds like a great trip and we've discussed doing it so tell us all about it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Enjoy your holiday Lisa. They say we eat with our eyes first so on Hallowe'en we are able to get past creepy. Not sure if I could manage Jason's creation though...wink...


  8. Can't wait to hear about your trip.

  9. Outstanding flashback Kate! I remember those deviled eggs especially. That last one..ewww lol. But very creative. Thanks for joining me in the Flashback this week. Hope you had a good Halloween!

  10. Fun, Kate.
    Can't wait to hear about your trip!


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