Salt Fat Acid Heat - A New Me! #kitchncookbookclub

Sometimes one just needs to be rejuvenated.  That was me.  There has been so much happening that I found I could not find the right "fit" for me when it came to blogging.  I did not like feeling as though I was attached to the kitchen, camera and computer.  In the last few weeks I have been motivated to share.

Motivation....I needed motivation.  I found it.  Kitchn Cookbook Club.  It is easy to join.  It is easy to do.  No pressure.  Just a super cookbook, prepare a dish, take a picture and post.  How simple is that?  But, it isn't just the process, it is the book that was selected.  You know that I read cookbooks like novels...well, this book is the perfect choice.  Salt Fat Acid Heat by Samin Nosrat has provided the motivation I needed to get back in the kitchen.  Well, I never left, exactly...I just didn't venture out.  I haven't shared.  This is different.

I do not believe that we "arrive" at being a good cook.  I believe that we are always evolving.  Arriving means that one has reached an end point.  One does not arrive in cooking.  Good cooks keep learning.  So, why did I purchase a book that appeared to be a book for a beginner?  I purchased it because there is always more to learn.  I purchased it because after reading the preface, I was intrigued, motivated, curious.  Being a life-long learner keeps one fresh and on top of the game.

My intention was to read everything before doing anything but that didn't happen.  After reading the section about salt, I was motivated to but it to the test.  I really had no idea about salt.  After all of these years in the kitchen, I never knew the chemistry behind salt and how to use it to get that "wow" factor in a dish.  

Sometimes I think I was just plain lucky when the flavor jumped off the charts. I didn't truly understand why it was a success one time but not as exciting the next time I prepared it.  The answer, in part was SALT!  

This is a super cookbook and one that every cook should have in their library.  I am learning so much!  I am preparing great food!

#kitchncookbookclub #saltfatacidheat 


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