Another New Cookbook

Well, I bought another new cookbook. (Ironic that it was just after my early morning post.) To rationalize, I made a deal with myself. I vowed to get rid of the Bon Appetit collection. I am going to keep the months of October through January and dispose of the others. It should be okay, the recipes are all on-line. I just have to know what I am searching for and know that I won't be able to let pictures and ingredients influence me. But, that is where the satisfaction comes from, that is what it is all is just so much fun to page through the magazines.

More rationalizing....I really only page through fall and winter. There is something comforting about settling in on the sofa by the fireplace with a hot cup of something....anything, really....and thinking about baking and eating comfort food! So....the remaining months could be given away...not thrown away.
So, that is the first step. It is a hard one. Let's see if I follow through.
And, what cookbook did I buy? I will share this weekend. Hint: See you at Suzy's Ice Cream Social.
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